European economy and finance ministers today welcomed the assessment of national recovery and resilience plans for Estonia, Finland and Romania, the Council of the European Union announced today.
“We have just confirmed the positive assessments for the recovery and resilience plans of Estonia, Finland, and Romania”, said Andrej Šircelj, Slovenia’s Minister for Finance. “They will soon be able to receive their pre-financing payment from the Recovery and Resilience Facility. The reforms and investments outlined in their plans strongly support the European green and digital agenda. By addressing the key challenges, the overall European recovery will be more sustainable and more resilient”, he added.
Following the formal adoption of the decisions, Romania will receive the requested 13% pre-financing and start making use of the EU’s large-scale financial support to overcome the adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their economies.
Phasing out coal and lignite power production and deploying renewables, as well as making investments and reforms in the areas of buildings renovation, railways modernisation, water and waste management, and afforestation and reforestation are measures Romania plans to implement to reach its climate objectives. Romania will also use the €14.2 billion in grants and €14.9 billion in loans to digitalise the country’s public services and strengthen the resilience of the healthcare system.